Saturday, December 6, 2008

Be an anonymous

Surf Internet Different Way 2

Internet is a public network. There are many kind of people using it for different purposes. So it's good to be aware when you surf through internet. In cyber the space privacy violation is most common incident. You have to protect your privacy. Did you know that when you surf internet , many people focus their eye on you? Usually many web sites keep track about your online activities such as , your interests , frequently visiting web sites. What is the reason. May be marketing purpose. Sometimes this tracks can be a boomerang which turns back and hit on your head. So how to avoid this problems. How to leave internet without trace? May be anonymity can help you.

When you connect your computer to the internet, it is assigned an IP address. If you can hide your IP address ,it's be a good solution. But How? First of all lets look at the possibility of trace you according to internet connection that you are using.

Leased lines

This type of connection must installed by local ISP(internet service provider) in your premise. Mostly you have to sign a contract and you must supply identification papers. And static IP address will be assign. It's very easy to find you if you done some annoying thing in online.

Dial up connections

Though many ISPs' provide free accounts the logs are kept either at the ISP or at the Telecom of calls that were made. Mostly ISP is using RADIOUS servers to track details. The RADIOUS server record the time you dialed in, the connection speed, reason for disconnecting and the time that you were disconnected. Also user ID that you used.

With this information telecom can provide the source number of the call. If ISP record the source number by them selves with the help of CLI system the telecom never involve at all.

Well probably be a anonymous is not a easy task. But there are some people in internet who think that anyone have a right to be a anonymous. They run anonymous proxy servers. With the help of them you can leave online without any trace.

Anonymous proxy server is special kind of server which act as intermediate between your computer and internet. You can access web sites through them. How ever you have to configure your web browser to work with them. Anonymous proxy servers request for web sites on your behalf. It's using it's own IP instead your IP. So you don't have to worry about web site logs because they kept anonymous proxy's IP not your one.

Number of both free and commercial anonymous proxy servers are available in online. Here is a list of free anonymous proxy servers.

By the way there are web based proxy servers also available. You don't want to configure your browser. What you need to do is just go to web based proxy and type the URL of the site that you want to visit in provided text area and click on surf button. They proxy all connections to the destination web site. They also encrypt all details so even they need they can't determine the source.

This web based proxy also good solution to visit blocked web sites. Many schools blocked sites like myspace. You can use this web based proxy servers to brake all the barriers. Here is free web based proxy list.

How ever if your ISP use transparent proxy technology above technique mostly useless.

Also you can try "Wingate servers" for hide your IP. Wingate servers run on windows platforms and act as proxy server for small networks. In many cases they are not well configured so any one can relay their packets through wingate.

There are some tools also available to hide your IP address. Search Google for IP hiding tools such as switchproxy which supports defining a list of proxy servers in the Web browser and automatically switching between them.

Up coming : Looking for resources.

Surf internet different way 3

Copyright 2008 ,


Saturday, November 29, 2008

Surf Internet(different way)1




Internet is a blend of services. Network of  networks. Only other hand it's the world greatest information super highway. It has many  interconnected networks, large number of routers and gateways and millions Servers and uncountable number of PC s.  People spent billions of dollars and still they are spending money to create, maintain and extend this network infrastructure. The question is why we need networks?

The answer is "to share the resources". Networks doing great roll in resources sharing drama. All companion services of the internet (Ftp service, Gopher service, WAIS service ,Usenet , E mail and new shining star www) were invented with the purpose of sharing resources. 

 Here is a summery of Internet history.



1969-Birth of Internet

ARPANET commissioned by Department of Defense for research into networking

First node at UCLA (Los angeles) closely followed by nodes at Stanford Research Institute, UCSB (Santa Barbara) and U of Utah

1971-People communicate over a network

15 nodes(23 hosts) on ARPANET

E mail invented-a program to send messages across a distributed network.(And nowadays too)


1972-computers can connect more freely and easily

First public demonstration of ARPANET between 40 machines.

Internetworking Working Group(INWG) created to address need for establishing agreed upon protocols

Telnet specification. Telnet is still a relevant means of inter-machine connection today


1973-Global Networking becomes a reality

First international connection to the ARPANET: university collage of London and Royal Radar establishment (Norway)

Ethernet outlined-this how local networks are basically connected today.

Internet ideas started.

Gateways define how large networks can be connect together.

File Transfer Protocol(FTP) specified


1974- Packets  become mode of transfer

Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) specified.

Telnet, a commercial version of ARPANET opened-the first public packet data service


1979-News groups raised

Computer science department research computer network established in USA.

USENET established and still thrives today.

Three news groups established by the end of year.

ARPA establishes the Internet Configuration Control Board(ICCB).

Packet Radio Network (PRNET) experiment stars with ARPA funding.

Most communication take place between mobile vans,


1981-Things start to come together

CSNET(Computer Science NETwork) established to provide networking services  to university scientists with no access to ARPANET.

This CSNET later becomes known as the Computer and Science Network.


1982-TCP/IP defines future communication

DCA and ARPA establishes the Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) and Internet Protocol(IP), as a protocol suit.


1983-Internt gets bigger

Name server developed.

Large number of nodes.

Hard to remember exact path.

Desktop workstations come into being.

Internet Activities Board established ,replacing ICCB


1984-Growth  internet continues

Number of hosts breaks 1000.

Domain name servers(DNS) introduced.


1986- Power of internet realized

5000 hosts and 241 news groups.

NSFNET created (backbone speed 56 Kbps)

NSF established five super computing centers to provide high computing power for all.

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) designed to enhance Usenet news performance over TCP/IP.


1987-Commercialisation of internet begins

Number of hosts 28 000


1991-Borth of world wide web

World wide web released by CERN; by Tim Burners-lee.

Originally developed to provide a distributed hypermedia system.

Easy access to any form of information anywhere in the world.

Initially non graphic.

Revolutionized modern communications and even our way of life.



1992- Multimedia changes the face of Internet

Number of hosts breaks 1 million and news groups 4000.

Internet society (ISOC) is chartered.

First MBONE audio multicast (March) and video multicast(November).

The term "Surfing the internet" is coined by Jean Armour Polly



1993-The www revolution truly begins.

Number of hosts 2 million.

600 www sites.

InterNIC created by NSF to provide specific internet services

            1 Directory and database services.

            2 Registration services.

            3 Information services.

Business and media really take notice of the internet.

US white house and United Nations(UN) comes on line.

Mosaic takes the internet by storm.


1994-commercialization begins

Number of hosts 3 million and 10 000 www sites.

10000 news groups.

ARPANET/Internet celebrates the 25th anniversary.

Local communities begin to be wired up directly to the internet.

US senate and white house provide information servers.

Shopping malls, banks arrive on the internet.

NSFNET traffic passes 10 trillion bytes per month.

www edges out telnet to become 2nd most popular service on the net.

UK HM Treasury on line(


1995-Comercialization continues .

6.5 million hosts, 100,000 www sites.

NSFNET revert back to a research network.

Main US backbone traffic now routed through interconnected network providers.

www surpasses FTP-data in March as the service with greatest traffic on NSFNET based on packet count, and in April based on byte count.

Traditional on line dial up systems (AOL, Compuserve) begin to provide on line access.

A number of net related companies go public, with Netscape leading the pack.

Registration of domain names is no longer free.

Technologies of the year: www, search engines.

New www technologies emerged (java, java script, Active x)


1996-Microsoft enters to www

The www browser war begins, fought primary between Netscape and Microsoft. And finally Microsoft's internet explorer wins.



Before www (World Wide Web) came to the roll other services were so populated. But people have to have some talents to use these services except WWW. (Just like UNIX and Windows).

 After WWW introduced it defeat all other services and come to major place.

                        Though other old services and tools such as "telnet and ftp" still working

Most of you never need to use them directly because now we have easy to use web based clients to do same works. But remember old is gold. There are some people who love to use these old services. Majority of them are hackers, skilled individuals who have great understanding and knowledge about programming and systems. In the cyberspace they are like free birds. They haven't boundary, they do anything with their special tools and find everything they need instantly. How they do that. Are they having Aladdin's Lamp? No because they don't serf internet regular way, they surf internet from different way…



Further readings:

Source:"Local area networks" by James E. Goldman


The internet offers three major service categories.


1 The World Wide Web.

2 Information servers

            * FTP servers

            * Gopher servers

            * WAIS servers

            * UseNet servers


3 Global e-mails


I don't going to mention about global e-mail and the world wide web,  here. I only mention about Information servers.


Text based information stored in internet connected servers can be assessed by remote user logins into these servers via a TCP/IP protocol known as "Telnet". Once they are successfully logged in to an internet based information server, using either user accounts and passwords or general access "anonymous" user accounts, User can execute programs on the remote computer as if they were locally attached.

            To download or transfer information back to their client PCs user would access another TCP/IP protocol call "FTP" (file transfer protocol).

Servers that support such activity are often called "FTP servers". The difficulty with searching for information in this manner is that a user must know the IP of the information server they wish to access.


The menu based system which features search engines that comb through all of the information in all of these information servers is referred as the "Gopher system". This system was developed in university of Minnesota.

The main different between the gopher system and www is gopher's information text based whereas the www is largely graphical.


A third type of information server offers a text searching service known as WAIS (wide area information services). WAIS indexes generate multiple indexes for all types of files that organizations or individuals wish to offer access to via the internet. WAIS servers offer these multiple indexes to another internet attached WAIS servers. WAIS servers also serve as searching engines which have the ability to search for particular word or text string in the indexes located across multiple internet attached information servers of various types.


Upcoming: Surf internet (different way) 2 –Be a anonymous ,protect your privacy.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

How ToFake URL

Wanna play with your friends.Here is a cool one.Lets redirect one web site
to anotherone.Okay okay just kidding.We are not going to hack web site
and redirect it to another instead we are going to do some editing in
your computer and fake URL.Then your browser redirect the domain name to another site.
But you can play with your frineds and show your self as a great hacker.
You can do this editing in you computer and bring friends and show magics.
Or you can do this editing in your friends computer and make him fool.
Oka okay lets start the work.Lets assume there is a website call
and you want to redirect to it.We have to edit "host" file.
In windows you will find it in C:\windows\system32\drivers\ect,If you are
linux user try ect folder.Open "host" file with text editor.(  cant just double click
and open it becouse it hasn't simply drag and drop it in to notepad)
You will see some thing like this.

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host       localhost

Now we need the IP address of you read our early article
you alredy know how to find IP address of a web site).Open command line
then type

tracert or

After you find IP address.lets assume it is IP address
has number grater than 255,In this case I jam the Ip address).Now add the to host file.Now it see like this

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host       localhost

Now save changes and close the notepad.Open your browser and type in address bar.WOW you will see instead!!!!!!)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How to send fake e mails

One day I got an e mail from I was impresed.
But it wasn't real one.It's a fake e mail.Did you ever got an email
like that?.So what happened if you had an e mail from your own e mail
address.Many people send fake e mails for defferent purposes.Some of them
send fake e mails as hoax.But some people use this e mails for phising
attacks.So It's good to be aware when you reading your emails.If it differ
from regular e mails,if it hasn't header or not arrange well, it's more
like to be a fake one.
Okay Do you want to send fake e mials ?It's not difficult.But
remember if you send tons of fake e mails as spams or do some illegal
things you will have serious troubles.Anyway this is just tutorial.

To send fake e mail we need a mail exchanger.Now important question.
How we find such a mail server.Many web sites run their own mail servers.
many of them allow you to telnet to them and send some e mails.But most
of them do not allow you to relay e mails to other servers.So guessing is
important.If you are lucky you will find some mail server which allow
to relay e mails to other servers.
As my example I get allow you to send fake e mails via it's
mail server.)
open command line and type

nslookup -q=mx

It will bring few lines and look for something like this MX preference = 10, mail exchanger =

If you got more than 1 mail exchangers pick the one with preference number.

Now we going to telnet it.Type

telnet 25
hit enter.If you succeed server will give welcome message.Okay now
you connect with mail server and don't waste the time.If you waste
time mail server will close your connection.And remember you can't
use backspace key.You have to type every key very carefully and
correctly.If you type something wrong you have to begin from 1st step.

As the example I'm going to send some fake e mail to
and I want to show him it was sent by

helo hit enter

mail from: <> hit enter

rcpt to: <> hit enter

hit enter and type your message.After you finish your message hit enter
and type single period(.).It's very important. And hit enter agein and type
quit to exit from mail server.

Remember:when you choose senders e mail address be aware to choose only
exsist domain name.

When you write your message ,It's good to add header before a message.
you can add something like this.

Date: Sun, 01 Apr 2007 12:49:13 +0100 (BST)
From: Eden <>
To: cybremax <>
Subject: Fake mail

Thats all and thank you !!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to find Ip address via messengers

In cyberspace people like to chat with others.Most of them love
to use messengers,becouse they have pritty cool options.But did
you ever though that an introder can break in to your computer
system due to your single chat session.(confused???)
    Your cyberpal can find your IP address while he chat
with you via messenger.Now someone can ask question.Whats the
matter if somebody knew my IP address? or What he going to do
with my IP address?

Remember in cyberspace your IP address is very important thing
just like your personal phone number.With your IP address people
can do many things.They can break in to your computer,crash it or
steal your sensitive details like credit card details,install malwares,
or use your computer to host their web site.
    I wrote this not only tell you to protect your self but also
tell you to how to find someone's IP address via messengers.

Okay if you want to see your cyberpal's IP address you have to set up
a file transfer otherwhise you got the IP of some server.Ask him that
you like to show him your photo or something and then transfer the
file via messenger.When you transfer a file via messenger,two divices(your
computer and his/her computer) will establish peer to peer link(dedicaded
direct link).when you selecting a file to transfer it's good to select
large file.If you use MSN messenger a file must be more
than 1024KB becouse if you send file less than 1024KB you will not find
your cyber pals IP inseted you will get some microsoft server IP address.

Okay go to command line during file transfer.Then type "netstat -a"
(without quotes)and hit enter.Look for port 80 or.....

My suggestion:go cmd before file transfer and type netstat -a .remember
the ports and IP addresses.Then type netstat -a again while file trnsfer
it will help you to recognize you cyber pal's IP address.
Thats all.Thank you!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

How to change text in start menu button

It's not too difficult.To change text on start button we have to edit
"explorer.exe" which locate in Windows folder.To do this it's better
to have editor,Becouse it minimize our effort. SO i suggest "Resource
hacker".You may find it from or serch google for it.

1)First of all make a backup copy of "explorer.exe"
2)Run Resource Hacker and click on File-->open and open explorer.exe
Now you will see something like this.

3)Click on +sign to expand the "String table",Then click on "37"
4)In right side you will see something like this

578, "start"
579, "There was an internal error and one of the windows you were using has been closed."
580, "Restrictions"
581, "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator."
590, "Hiding your inactive notification icons..."
591, "To see the hidden icons, click this button."

5)Substitute "start" with any word you like(leve double quotes.don't
delete them)in my case I substitute it with "CYBERWORLD".
see bellow figure.

6)Ok. Now hit on "compile script" button.And wait a second.
7)Windows do not allow you to save changes to explorer.exe.(If you see
nothing ,even error message when you hit on save.but windows do not allow changes)
so save as it with other name and put it on windows folder.
i.e explorermax.exe

7)Press windows+R key combination for RUN dialog box and type regedit .hit enter
Now you got registry editer.

8)navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

Double click on "shell" entry.It will open edit entry dialog box.
in value data field enter name of customized explorer.exe's name
in my case it is "explorermax.exe.then click ok.exit from registry editer.

*you have to either restart computer or log of and again log on computer
to apply the changes.Thats all.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

View route to any website

you access to the internet from home over a modem to a local ISP
(Internet service provider) who conects to a regional network which
connected to a national network.In genaral small local ISPs connect
to medium sized regional networks which connect to large national networks
and then connect to very large bandwidth networks on the internet backbone.
So when you access to web site,there is a route(may bemore than one)
to destination.If you like to view this route get command line and
E.g tracert
This will show the route that is being taken by the data packets to
reach your computer.See above figure.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to extend firefox speed

As you already know, Firefox very fast than I.E(Internet explorer).With little effort and doing some
editing we can make it more faster.
Caution:If you edit wrong part it will give unexpected issues and hard to rollback.

1)Open Firefox and type "about:config" in address bar (without quotes). Hit enter.
firefox will give message something like this

        "This will void your waranty..................................(Don't warry about it.If don't edit wrong parts, then why we afraid)
Hit enter again.

then type   network
find -    network.http.pipelining

and     network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
change value from 4 to 10

Restart Firefox.Thats it....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Google Hacks(part one)

Google is wonderfull serching engine. Due to google spyderprogram's special characterestics
we can find and do many things with google.  Google hacks mean we enter particuler string on
google serch box and get wonderful results.With google and a little knowladge about some special strings
 we can find files directly .we don't  need to surf whole web consuming our time. There are many
special codes. From this article I'm going to show you few of them (funny and cool ones).
I expect to write another article about some different part of this particuler strings . Any way cheak this out.

Go to google and type this strings and see whats happen.

find chuck norris    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google bearshare    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google loco    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google gothic    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google linux    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google 133t    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google ewmew    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
xx-klingon        =click "I'm feeling lucky"
xx-piglation    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google bsd        =click "I'm feeling lucky"s
google easter egg    =click "I'm feeling lucky"
google gizoogle    =click "I'm feeling lucky"

If you like to view network web cameras(see real time web cameras).

intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main"
intitle:"snc-rz30 home" (Active x requared)
inurl:indexFrame.shtml "Axis Video Server"
snc - rz30 home

Un-serchable pages
"robots.txt" "disallow:" filetype:txt


Here is another cool one. With this you can find any file directly

"intitle:index of" something you want
i.e: "intitle:index of" hacking.pdf

another one:

"any xisting file name.pdf"
        HAVE A FUN

Saturday, September 27, 2008

View Hidden Files And Folders

Well if you wish to view hidden files of any computer
this article will help you to minimize your effort.
Open notepad and copy and paste bellaw script.

@echo::::::::::: Veiwing Hidden files :::::::::::
@attrib * -s -h /d /s
@echo:::::::::::::::: All Done ::::::::::::::::::

Now save it with ".bat" extention.
i.e : find.bat

How to find files and folders using this script ?

Now you have "find.bat" file(make sure that extention is .bat)
Now assume you want to find hidden folder in C:\mydocuments
Copy and paste "find.bat" file to C:\mydocuments and
just double click on it. BINGO!!!!!!!

How To Make Fake Virus

This article will lead you to make fake virus which
can shutdown computer with error message. Actually
this is hoax and it never harm to the system. With
you r creative ideas you will have more fun with friends.

I serve two ways to do this. You can Follow all of them
or any way as your wish.

1st way

 Right click on desktop select new-->shortcut
    shutdown -s -t 100 -c "you Have Been Hacked By rjsk"
as "Type the location of the icon " space.
 click next and given any name. click finish and thats all.

* If anyone double click on the shortcut you r computer
  will shutdown after 100 seconds.


2nd way

Open notepad type

    @echo off
    msg * Gotcha
    shutdown -c "You Have Been HAcked" -s

save it with .bat extention. ie shutdown.bat
double click on it and it will shutdown system and give "Gotcha"
in message box.
thats all


How to stop :press windows+R key combination for run dialog box
then type
shutdown -a and press enter to terminate shutdown.

*If you want play with your friends. I suggest cahnge icon to
reguler using icon like internet explorer icon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

How To (Legally )Hack Web Site

Well actually there is no real hacking instead we use simple java script to edit web site content . Go your target web page and


Copy and paste below java script in you r web browser address bar


javascript: document.body.contentEditable =

'true' ; document.designMode ='on' ; void 0


 Now you can edit , change any thing of the web page. As I said there is no real hacking. Original web page content  never change. But you can get real fun with this. You can make you r friends fool by editing there facebook , myspace ,hi5 profiles or adding their photograph on government defence web site or ………………….. . Have a FUn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hide folder(simple Way to hide folder)

This is very simple trick. We need to do  just rename and change folder icon only.


Make new folder any place.

Rename it as 0160 while pressing Alt key. (this will hide folder name. remember you r folder name is now changed.)

Ok now we are going to hide folder icon.

Press Alt + double click on folder .(it will open folder properties)

Select "change icon " under the customize tab.

Now select empty space from icons as icon to you folder.

Apply changes and that's all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How to disable windows boot skin

Bored with windows xp boot skin ? well lets make it disable.

Press windows + R key combination.

Type "msconfig" (without quotes )in RUN box.

It will open system configuration utility.

Now go to "BOOT.ini" tab

Check "noGUIBoot" checkbox.

Restart computer.

List Of TCP and UDP ports





Reserved; do not use (but is a permissible source port value if the sending process does not expect messages in response)



TCPMUX (TCP port service multiplexer)



RJE (Remote Job Entry)



ECHO protocol



DISCARD protocol



SYSTAT protocol



DAYTIME protocol



QOTD (Quote of the Day) protocol



Message Send Protocol



CHARGEN (Character Generator) protocol



FTP - data port



FTP - control (command) port



SSH (Secure Shell) - used for secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding



Telnet protocol - unencrypted text communications



SMTP - used for e-mail routing between mailservers E-mails



RSFTP - A simple FTP-like protocol



QMS Magicolor 2 printer



TIME protocol



Resource Location Protocol






Host Name Server






WHOIS protocol



TACACS Login Host protocol



DNS (Domain Name System)



Route Access Protocol



MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol


BOOTP (BootStrap Protocol) server; also used by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)



BOOTP client; also used by DHCP



TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)



Gopher protocol



Finger protocol



HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) - used for transferring web pages



HTTP Alternate (HyperText Transfer Protocol)



Torpark - Onion routing ORport



Torpark - Control Port



Kerberos - authenticating agent


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hide any file behind .jpg image file

This is nice trick to hide files and files that hide using this way difficult to find.

1) select files that you want to hide and copy files in to new folder .

2) find some jpg image file and copy it in to above folder.

3) Compress files using compressing software (winrar ,winzip )

Except jpg image. (select files --> right click --> add to archive )

4)open command prompt and access to the folder which contain you r compressed file via command line .

5) then type bellow line

For the example my compressed file name is x.rar and my jpg file name is one.jpg

Then I type in command line

Copy /B x.rar + one .jpg secret.jpg

General form is : copy /B your compressed file name.extention + "your jpg file name".jpg "newnameforjpgfile".jpg

6) then exit from command line. And go to the folder you will see new jpg file call secret.jpg . It is the file that contain you r secret files so it larger than normal jpg.

7) when you want your secret files just extract secret.jpg using any extracting software (winrar,winzip)

*you can choose any file instead jpg to merge you secret files. Try .mp3 and .dat to do this.

That s all. I think this article may help you to protect your important files.

Hide you r important Files and folders

There are many ways to hide files and folders.

Hide File Or Folder as system file.

For example, think that there is a folder call "Docs" in C:\ mydata and you want to hide it.

1) press windows key +R to Open RUN dialog box.

2) Then type cmd in Run Box. (Or Start-->All programs-->Accessories-->command prompt)

3) Now access destination via command prompt. In this case we must type cd C:\mydata

4) Then type attrib +r +s +a +h Docs

to hide the folder.

5) type attrib -r -s -a -h Docs to display it again.


· If you try to hide file or folder which name contain more than one word separated by space command prompt will give error message something like this

" Parameter format not correct - "

It means you cannot hide "My Docs" but you can hide My_Docs"

· If anyone go to the folder options and uncheck both "Show Hidden Files And Folders" and "Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended)" under view tab ,he will able to see all files that you hide using this trick.


Hide folder and convert folder icon in to recycle bin

Consider there is folder call "secret" in your computer and you want to hide it. so just rename it as


WOW you will see you r folder has converted to recycle bin icon and you cannot see the content of the folder.

To display real folder again open the note pad , copy and paste follow line save it as anyname.bat .

ren secret.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} secret

then copy and paste it near your hidden folder (if you r hidden folder in D:\mydoc you must copy bat file to D:\mydoc folder)

Then double click on the bat file. (or you can enter command line ) That's all.
