Saturday, September 27, 2008

View Hidden Files And Folders

Well if you wish to view hidden files of any computer
this article will help you to minimize your effort.
Open notepad and copy and paste bellaw script.

@echo::::::::::: Veiwing Hidden files :::::::::::
@attrib * -s -h /d /s
@echo:::::::::::::::: All Done ::::::::::::::::::

Now save it with ".bat" extention.
i.e : find.bat

How to find files and folders using this script ?

Now you have "find.bat" file(make sure that extention is .bat)
Now assume you want to find hidden folder in C:\mydocuments
Copy and paste "find.bat" file to C:\mydocuments and
just double click on it. BINGO!!!!!!!

How To Make Fake Virus

This article will lead you to make fake virus which
can shutdown computer with error message. Actually
this is hoax and it never harm to the system. With
you r creative ideas you will have more fun with friends.

I serve two ways to do this. You can Follow all of them
or any way as your wish.

1st way

 Right click on desktop select new-->shortcut
    shutdown -s -t 100 -c "you Have Been Hacked By rjsk"
as "Type the location of the icon " space.
 click next and given any name. click finish and thats all.

* If anyone double click on the shortcut you r computer
  will shutdown after 100 seconds.


2nd way

Open notepad type

    @echo off
    msg * Gotcha
    shutdown -c "You Have Been HAcked" -s

save it with .bat extention. ie shutdown.bat
double click on it and it will shutdown system and give "Gotcha"
in message box.
thats all


How to stop :press windows+R key combination for run dialog box
then type
shutdown -a and press enter to terminate shutdown.

*If you want play with your friends. I suggest cahnge icon to
reguler using icon like internet explorer icon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

How To (Legally )Hack Web Site

Well actually there is no real hacking instead we use simple java script to edit web site content . Go your target web page and


Copy and paste below java script in you r web browser address bar


javascript: document.body.contentEditable =

'true' ; document.designMode ='on' ; void 0


 Now you can edit , change any thing of the web page. As I said there is no real hacking. Original web page content  never change. But you can get real fun with this. You can make you r friends fool by editing there facebook , myspace ,hi5 profiles or adding their photograph on government defence web site or ………………….. . Have a FUn

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

hide folder(simple Way to hide folder)

This is very simple trick. We need to do  just rename and change folder icon only.


Make new folder any place.

Rename it as 0160 while pressing Alt key. (this will hide folder name. remember you r folder name is now changed.)

Ok now we are going to hide folder icon.

Press Alt + double click on folder .(it will open folder properties)

Select "change icon " under the customize tab.

Now select empty space from icons as icon to you folder.

Apply changes and that's all.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How to disable windows boot skin

Bored with windows xp boot skin ? well lets make it disable.

Press windows + R key combination.

Type "msconfig" (without quotes )in RUN box.

It will open system configuration utility.

Now go to "BOOT.ini" tab

Check "noGUIBoot" checkbox.

Restart computer.

List Of TCP and UDP ports





Reserved; do not use (but is a permissible source port value if the sending process does not expect messages in response)



TCPMUX (TCP port service multiplexer)



RJE (Remote Job Entry)



ECHO protocol



DISCARD protocol



SYSTAT protocol



DAYTIME protocol



QOTD (Quote of the Day) protocol



Message Send Protocol



CHARGEN (Character Generator) protocol



FTP - data port



FTP - control (command) port



SSH (Secure Shell) - used for secure logins, file transfers (scp, sftp) and port forwarding



Telnet protocol - unencrypted text communications



SMTP - used for e-mail routing between mailservers E-mails



RSFTP - A simple FTP-like protocol



QMS Magicolor 2 printer



TIME protocol



Resource Location Protocol






Host Name Server






WHOIS protocol



TACACS Login Host protocol



DNS (Domain Name System)



Route Access Protocol



MTP, Mail Transfer Protocol


BOOTP (BootStrap Protocol) server; also used by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)



BOOTP client; also used by DHCP



TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol)



Gopher protocol



Finger protocol



HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) - used for transferring web pages



HTTP Alternate (HyperText Transfer Protocol)



Torpark - Onion routing ORport



Torpark - Control Port



Kerberos - authenticating agent


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hide any file behind .jpg image file

This is nice trick to hide files and files that hide using this way difficult to find.

1) select files that you want to hide and copy files in to new folder .

2) find some jpg image file and copy it in to above folder.

3) Compress files using compressing software (winrar ,winzip )

Except jpg image. (select files --> right click --> add to archive )

4)open command prompt and access to the folder which contain you r compressed file via command line .

5) then type bellow line

For the example my compressed file name is x.rar and my jpg file name is one.jpg

Then I type in command line

Copy /B x.rar + one .jpg secret.jpg

General form is : copy /B your compressed file name.extention + "your jpg file name".jpg "newnameforjpgfile".jpg

6) then exit from command line. And go to the folder you will see new jpg file call secret.jpg . It is the file that contain you r secret files so it larger than normal jpg.

7) when you want your secret files just extract secret.jpg using any extracting software (winrar,winzip)

*you can choose any file instead jpg to merge you secret files. Try .mp3 and .dat to do this.

That s all. I think this article may help you to protect your important files.

Hide you r important Files and folders

There are many ways to hide files and folders.

Hide File Or Folder as system file.

For example, think that there is a folder call "Docs" in C:\ mydata and you want to hide it.

1) press windows key +R to Open RUN dialog box.

2) Then type cmd in Run Box. (Or Start-->All programs-->Accessories-->command prompt)

3) Now access destination via command prompt. In this case we must type cd C:\mydata

4) Then type attrib +r +s +a +h Docs

to hide the folder.

5) type attrib -r -s -a -h Docs to display it again.


· If you try to hide file or folder which name contain more than one word separated by space command prompt will give error message something like this

" Parameter format not correct - "

It means you cannot hide "My Docs" but you can hide My_Docs"

· If anyone go to the folder options and uncheck both "Show Hidden Files And Folders" and "Hide Protected Operating System Files (Recommended)" under view tab ,he will able to see all files that you hide using this trick.


Hide folder and convert folder icon in to recycle bin

Consider there is folder call "secret" in your computer and you want to hide it. so just rename it as


WOW you will see you r folder has converted to recycle bin icon and you cannot see the content of the folder.

To display real folder again open the note pad , copy and paste follow line save it as anyname.bat .

ren secret.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} secret

then copy and paste it near your hidden folder (if you r hidden folder in D:\mydoc you must copy bat file to D:\mydoc folder)

Then double click on the bat file. (or you can enter command line ) That's all.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

How to rename Windows Recycle Bin

Generally windows do not allow you to rename the recycle bin but with little effort we can do it. To do this we are going to change windows registry. So I suggest back up or make system restore point before you going to play with registry. And be careful If you edit something wrong you r whole system will be crash or will not work properly.

Open registry (windows + R and type regedit in RUN box)






In "shellFolder" change the "Attributes" data value from "40 01 00 20" to "50 01 00 20"
After that (to edit just double click on the shellFolder )
Double click on "CallForAttributes" and set "Value Data " to "0".

That's all .now get off from registry . now you can rename Recycle bin like any other icon. So set any name you want like "Garbage truck".

How To Hide Recycle Bin

Did you bored with windows XP's …………………recycle bin?

And wanna change a look. If you like to do so this article may help you. So what about hiding recycle bin or rename recycle bin.

How to Hide Recycle Bin icon from desktop

well Hiding recycle bin slightly different from above one. To do this we going to edit registry using SCRIPTS. There are two ways to edit registry (as I think).

1) we can edit registry manually with "Regedit.exe"

2) or we can use scripts.

Second method is faster than first one.

Okay here we go

Open note pad and COPY bellow text (very carefully and all the text)







Save it as "hiderecycle.reg".

Find it and just double click on it .then windows will ask you something like this

"are you sure you want………………………………….blah "

Click yes and windows give another message telling that you r windows registry successfully…………………………."

Just refresh

WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(why don't you show you r skills to friends.)

If you feel lonely without recycle bin icon on desktop. Do followings to make it visible.

Copy and paste follow script on a note pad and save it as "Showrecycle.reg"







And do above things again.


Change Windows XP System Property Logo And Text

Well if you view your PC's system property dialog box (under the general tab) you may have a custom system properties logo and information. Because many IT vendors like to add there trademark and there details to the system property. So this article may help you to personalize your PC's system property.


There are two parts to updating that panel - the graphic and the text information


Update text information


open  notepad and enter the following info.


Manufacturer=your text goes here
Model= your text goes here

[Support Information]
line1= your text goes here
line2= your text goes here
line3= your text goes here

This file must be save as oeminfo.ini (not text) and place it

In C:\windows\system32 folder.


Update Logo

To do this just create a '.BMP' file containing the graphic and name it as OEMLOGO.BMP . Place it in the  C:\windows\system32 folder. Make sure your oemlogo.bmp file has RGB color format and size about 172 x 100.

(remember oemlogo will not appear unless oeminfo.ini file exists)

Then log off or restart the system. And press windows + pause break(or press alt and double click on my computer icon) to get system properties. That's all.

Important Windows XP keyboard Short Cuts

1) windows + E                       = open my computer with windows explorer.

2) windows + R                       =  open RUN dialog box.

3) windows + U                       = open utility manager.

4) windows + D                       = display the desktop

5) windows +F                         = search for a file or folder.

6) windows + L                       = lock computer.

7) windows + M                      = minimize all the windows.

8) windows + Esc                    = display or hide start menu.

9) windows + ctrl +F               =search for a file or folder.

10)windows + pause break    =display the system property.

11)windows + F1(or just F1 ) =open help and support .

12) shift +del                          =delete something directly.

13) Alt +ctrl + del                   =get task manager instantly .

14) Alt +Tab                           =quickly switch between running programs.

15) Alt + Enter                       =quickly getting full screen of command prompt.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

List Of Mother Board Backdoor Passwords

Award BIOS


Phoenix BIOS


Other Passwords